Active Power


A direct warfare deliverance ministry in northern Colorado.

And these signs will follow those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons...

Mark 16:17

Freedom in

Jesus Christ

Active Power Ministries (APM) is a small deliverance ministry located in northern Colorado that offers freedom through deliverance from demonic activity through application of the unmatched power and authority of Jesus Christ.

Deriving authority over demonic spirits from the Lord himself, as principally recorded in Luke 10:17-20 and Mark 16:17, APM serves as the earthly conduits for His power and in doing so brings healing and deliverance to the oppressed.


of Demons


Jesus Christ




Deliverance, sometimes referred to as exorcism, is the process of casting out demonic spirits through the authority of Jesus Christ. As formerly demonized believers who are now free and empowered over the enemy by the authority of the Lord, we are happy to be called to bring this ministry to others.

Our Method

All cases of demonic activity are unique and prayer is a very powerful tool. Sometimes, prayer alone is effective. Other times, direct warfare is required. Exactly why techniques effective in one situation are ineffective in another is unknown. However, God leads as necessary and we won’t move forward without sensing His go ahead.

Our process involves prayer, assembling a team as lead by God, seeking out supernatural wisdom on the situation, and preparing a focused and effective attack against the demonic forces responsible for the activity.

We make use of ground rules to prohibit certain demonic activity ahead of the attack, which expressly forbids theatrics and violence and requires compliance (with consequences for noncompliance). As a result, deliverance with this method is a calm, peaceful, and orderly process that does not require numerous repetitive rounds of jousting with the enemy. We simply act as earthly conduits of the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, who already stands in victory, and watch Him work!

Who We Are

APM is a small, family-based ministry team in northern Colorado. The ministry is built upon another small ministry that has been in operation for nearly 40 years, and which serves as our mentors in this badly needed area.

We operate independent of any specific church, although the ministry leadership have been regular attendees and members of a local evangelical, protestant, Bible-preaching church for many years.

Although it may surprise some, we are not a part of the Catholic, charismatic, or pentecostal movements, which are more well recognized for direct approaches to spiritual warfare and demonization. We are mainstream, evangelical Christian believers who have received a specific calling by God into this ministry to aide our brethren in Christ.

We are not licensed or professional counselors, pastors, or other clergy. We are a lay ministry working to serve God’s people.

How It Works

Use the contact link below to send us an email including a description of your situation. We will generally respond within 1-2 business days. If we believe we can help, we will send instructions on what is needed to get the process moving forward and may be able to provide some interim relief from demonization while the details are worked out.

Because we are small, local ministry that provides this service on the side to our brothers and sisters in Christ on a volunteer basis, we do not have the availability or resources of a full time ministry. That said, most situations do not require a full time ministry, even in cases of serious demonization. However, we are happy to refer you to other full time ministries in the area should you desire or should your case exceed our availability and resources at any given time.

When all is said and done, we will also educate and empower you to handle most future demonic activity on your own.

Because most demonic activity is related in part to the formation and existence of footholds (Ephesians 4:27) and there is a degree of risk to unbelievers (Matthew 12:43-45), we generally only work with believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. In some cases, however, we may be able to help those who have not come to faith in Christ.

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